​Tidewell – We know that grieving for a beloved pet is a difficult time. We hope that the resources below can help you cope, remember the good times and heal: help with the grief following the loss of a beloved pet is available to the community through the Tidewell Grief Education and Support Center. Groups at a variety of locations are offered once a month. Call Toll free 1-855-Tidewell (855-843-3935) for more information.
Veterinary Wisdom – helps pet owners with difficult decisions, memorials and guilt. They have resources and keepsakes to help you prepare for loss and capture the love your pet brought to your life.
www.pet-loss.net – Moira Anderson Allen, M.Ed., writes about “Ten Tips on Coping with Pet Loss“.
www.petloss.com – Pet Loss is a gentle and compassionate website for pet lovers who are grieving over the death of a pet or an ill pet. Here you will find personal support and thoughtful advice to help you through this difficult time.
HelpGuide.org is a trusted, non-profit Resource. This section of the site offers support for pet owners making the difficult decision to euthanize, and also provides support resources for those who have just experienced their beloved pet’s passing.
The Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement – The Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement, Inc. (APLB) is the only internet clearing house dealing with the loss of a pet.